Must be an LSPS Member of Long Standing, i.e. 25 years or more. Must have actively contributed to the growth of LSPS during his career (e.g., may have served as officer or director of LSPS), but need not be active at the time of nomination. Should enjoy an outstanding reputation for his knowledge, integrity and professional competency, especially among the members of his District.
Article V:
“Life Membership shall carry with it all the rights and privileges of a Registered Member if such a person be a Registered Surveyor of the State of Louisiana; or if registered in a Foreign State or Country, all the rights and privileges of a Member; and otherwise, all the rights and privileges of an Affiliate Member. Such award shall carry with it a waiver of initiation fee and membership dues or special assessment.”
Article V, LSPS Articles of Incorporation and By Laws. Also qualifications set by Board of Directors.
Jimmy R. Anyon
J. Walter Ballard
Robert A. Berlin
John E. Bradford
A. J. Brouillette
John E. Chance
James H. Couturie
Charles G. Coyle
Wilton J. Dufrene
Steve Estopinal
Jack E. Farmer
Stephen P Flynn
Wilford Fontenot
Morris P. Hebert
H. Glen Kent
Warren J. Knapp
Frank L. Messenger III
Geral “Jerry” Middleton, Jr.
Carl L. Mistric
Vince J. Misuraca
Lamon L. Moody, Jr.
C.L. "Jack" Stelly
Michael J Stelly
James M. Theriot
Clarence J. Tircuit
John E. Walker
Roger C. Wilkinson
Must Be a Registered Member of LSPS
Must have taken an active and continuous role in contributing to the growth and advancement of both LSPS and the surveying Profession (e.g., may have served as officer or director of LSPS, may have served as a member of the State Registration Board, or as officer or director of a national surveying organization.)
Nominees should presently be actively involved in the operation of LSPS: as evidence by attendance at chapter meetings and annual meetings be serving on LSPS Committees, etc.
Should enjoy an outstanding reputation for his knowledge, integrity and professional competency, especially among the members of his District.
Surveyor Excellence Award Recipients
Francis M. Tessier
Year: 1975
Annual Meeting: 14th -
Lamon L. Moody
Year: 1976
Annual Meeting: 15th -
William H. Griffith
Year: 1977
Annual Meeting: 16th -
C. J. Tircuit
Year: 1978
Annual Meeting: 17th -
John Walker
Year: 1978
Annual Meeting: 17th -
George Jones
Year: 1979
Annual Meeting: 18th -
A. J. Bouillette
Year: 1980
Annual Meeting: 19th -
Asa Ray
Year: 1981
Annual Meeting: 20th -
John Kellen
Year: 1982
Annual Meeting: 21st -
George Bergeron, Jr
Year: 1984
Annual Meeting: 23rd -
Errol Kelly
Year: 1985
Annual Meeting: 24th -
Stephen Estopinal
Year: 1988
Annual Meeting: 27th -
Richard C. Spikes
Year: 1991
Annual Meeting: 30th -
C. H. Fenstermaker
Year: 1993
Annual Meeting: 32nd -
Morris P. Hebert
Year: 1996
Annual Meeting: 35th -
M. Ernest Gammon
Year: 1998
Annual Meeting: 37th -
Jack E. Farmer
Year: 1999
Annual Meeting: 38th -
John Soileau
Year: 2000
Annual Meeting: 39th -
Wayne Hebert
Year: 2001
Annual Meeting: 40th -
Randolph B. LaCroix, Jr.
Year: 2002
Annual Meeting: 41st -
C.L. Jack Stelly
Year: 2003
Annual Meeting: 42nd -
Charles G. Coyle
Year: 2004
Annual Meeting: 43rd -
David Cloud
Year: 2005
Annual Meeting: 44th -
Tim Allen
Year: 2006
Annual Meeting: 45th -
Carl L. Mistric
Year: 2007
Annual Meeting: 46th -
Dr. Terry Dantin
Year: 2008
Annual Meeting: 47th -
Gerald Fussell
Year: 2010
Annual Meeting: 49th -
David L. Patterson
Year: 2011
Annual Meeting: 50th -
Stephen P. Flynn
Year: 2013
Annual Meeting: 52nd -
Wilford Fontenot
Year: 2016
Annual Meeting: 55th -
Kevin Crosby
Year: 2017
Annual Meeting: 56th -
Robert Davis
Year: 2018
Annual Meeting: 57th -
Charles G Coyle, III
Year: 2019
Annual Meeting: 58th -
Gerald W "Jerry" Middleton, Jr
Year: 2020
Annual Meeting: 59th -
James Chustz, Jr
Year: 2021
Annual Meeting: 60th -
Brad Holleman
Year: 2022
Annual Meeting: 61st -
Stanley J Ard
Year: 2023
Annual Meeting: 62nd -
Derek Wheat
Year: 2024
Annual Meeting: 63rd
Must be a Registered Member of LSPS, in good standing with LAPELS, serves the community, and under 35 years old.
Young Surveyor Excellence Award Recipients
Brad “B.J.” Roberts
Year: 2018
Annual Meeting: 57th -
Dustin Cain
Year: 2019
Annual Meeting: 58th -
Dillon Barrone
Year: 2020
Annual Meeting: 59th -
Jonathan Dufrene
Year: 2021
Annual Meeting: 60th -
Jean Reulet, III
Year: 2022
Annual Meeting: 61st -
Jason Tuggle
Year: 2023
Annual Meeting: 62nd -
Lee Broom
Year: 2024
Annual Meeting: 63rd
John P. Wilkerson, Jr.
1961-62 -
Frank P. Lathrop
1963 -
James L. Carter
1964-65 -
C. J. Tircuit
1966 -
Henry M. Messinger
1967 -
Lamon L. Moody
1968 -
Glen C. Baker
1969 -
William H. Griffith
1970 -
John W. Woodard
1971 -
Ronald L. Schuman
1972 -
James M. Theriot
1973 -
James H. Couturie'
1974 -
Roger C. Wilkinson
1975 -
Joseph E. Schexnaider
1976 -
Wilton J. Dufrene
1977 -
Vincent J. Misuraca
1978 -
Rodger D. Phelps
1979 -
Sammie L. Craft
1980 -
Ralph P. Fontcuberta, Jr.
1981 -
Frank L. Messinger, III
1982-83 -
Steven V. Estopinal
1984 -
Philip J. Stutes
1985 -
Richard F. Griswold
1986 -
John V. Soileau
1987 -
Morris P. Hebert
1988 -
John E. Walker
1989 -
M. Ernest Gammon
1990 -
Jack E. Farmer
1991 -
Tildon J. Dufrene, Jr
1992 -
John J. Avery, Jr.
1993 -
Timothy J. Allen
1994 -
David E. Cloud, Sr.
1995 -
Charles G. Coyle
1996 -
Wayne A. Hebert
1997 -
Melvin Harrison
1998 -
Walter J. Ballard
1999 -
Michael P. Mayeux
2000 -
John C. Mattingly
2001 -
J. Anthony Cavell
2002 -
Chad Morris
2003 -
John Bradford
2004 -
David Patterson
2005 -
Ryan Fuselier
2006 -
Charles Coyle III
2007 -
L. Lyles Budden
2008 -
Paul J. Kocke, Sr.
2009 -
D. Kevin Burdeaux
2010 -
Stephen P. Flynn
2011 -
James B. Pellegrin
2012 -
Jared A. Couvillion
2013 -
Ralph Gipson
2014 -
Taylor Gravois
2015 -
Kyle Howard
2016 -
Louis Hartmann
2017 -
Robert Stevens
2018 -
Stanley Ard
2019 -
Bradley Holleman
2020 -
Don “Ricly” Wood, II
2021 -
Jonathan Dufrene
Mrs. Ellen Bryan Moore
Ory G. Poret
Paul L. Landry
Clifford J. Mugnier
Article V:
Any person whose professional attainments in surveying or in subjects closely associated with surveying, have given them a broadly acknowledged eminence, or any person who has rendered special service to the society, its aims and objectives, so elected by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. Such Honor Member is elected for life, or until such membership be revoked by the Board for just and sufficient cause. No dues or assessments shall be required from an Honorary Member. Honorary Members shall not be eligible to vote or hold any office in the Corporation.
Article XV:
The Name of a person for Honorary or Life Membership should be submitted to the Board in writing along with a resume of the accomplishments of the person, and a member of the local Chapter should be available at the Board Meeting to answer any questions.
Articles V & XV,LSPS Articles of Incorporation and By Laws.
Avit J. Gremillion
William H. Griffith
R. L. Gunter
Edward C. Haight
Edward P. Hargrove, Sr.
Shannon Harrison
Omer J. Hebert
Roy A. Hebert
Jack L. Hicks
Archie L. Higgins
Ed Higgins
V. A. Hubka
Stanton E. Huey, Jr.
Albert D. Hulett, Jr.
Norma Glen Hutchings
John S. Hyams
John H. Jackson
Samuel R. Johnston, III
John W. Kellen, Jr.
Marvin T. Kent
Warren J. Knapp
A. Arion Lafargue
Paul H. LaRosse
Frank P. Lathrop
Percy W. Leland
A. J. LeVasseur
W. L. Mangham, Jr.
Acy A. Marchand
Robert McConnell
James R. McCoy
Robert K. McDaniel, Jr.
Edward C. McGee, Jr.
Gessie C. McLemore
Claude E. McMath
Henry M. Messinger
John W. Able
John D. Adams
Jimmy R. Anyan
Charles T. Armstrong
John F. Arnold
Glenn C. Baker
Steve Ballard
Malcom L. Bamburg
Paul M. Barber
Charles J. Baxter
George D. Bergeron, Jr.
Robert A. Berlin
Roland P. Bernard
Charles L. Besson, Jr.
Kenneth D. Boatman, Jr.
C.J. Bonura
Jasper L. Bourgeois
Alvin M. Bridges
Ernest N. Brodnax
A. J. Brouillette
James L. Carter
Theo T. Chenet
Morrell Cobb
Fred L. Colomb
William D. Copp, Jr.
John Cowan
James C. Crawford
Curry C. Dixon
Fred O. Eldred
William L. Farmer, Jr.
Charles H. Fenstermaker, Jr.
Joseph L. Fontcuberta
Morris M. Fortner
Fernard C. Gandolfo, Jr.
Carl L. Mistric
Lamon Moody
Russel P. Morgan
John L. Norman, Jr.
J. M. Norris
Rufus D. Palmer
Frank B. Parich
Jules J. Perret
R. J. Petty
Ben E. Ramsey
Harry E. Reed
R. B. Rordam
Daniel D. Sandefur
J. Proby Sessions
Francis B. Sessums
Darrell D. Shine
Cubit Stuart Simmons
W.C. Snyder
A. B. Spence
Robert B. Sylvester
Francis M. Tessier
C. A. Thompson
Clarence J. Tircuit
J. I. Tumey
Ed J. Vogel
James B. Walker
A. R. Walton
Adrian E. Whitaker
John F. Wilkerson Jr.
John F. Wilkerson
Roger C. Wilkinson
Raymond Y. Wilkison
William A. Wintz, Jr.